Make Scriptly yours. See more of the sales scripts and templates you use for your business. Learn more
Script library
Search our large collection of thousands of call and email scripts to find the perfect script for your situation. Search by type of business you are in, type of situation, type of service you offer, etc.
Dynamic editor
All scripts on our platform are fully editable. Once you have located a call script or email template that works for you, proceed to really make it yours by using our live editor to tailor the script to suit your organization's processes.
Team support
Invite as many teammates as you would like to join your account. Create an environment of sharing and collaboration.

Connect and collaborate with other sales professionals
Our community features allow you to connect with other pros. Share sales scripts, get notified when someone you follow ads a new resource, etc.
Crowd-sourced telemarking and sales scripts for all scenarios
Our platform serves as a sandbox for sales professionals of various backgrounds and sectors to workshop and crowd-source sales scripts, idea pitches, etc.

Explore and create new sales workflows as a team
Scriptly allows any organization to invite as many teammates as needed at no extra cost. Work with your team to build killer sales scripts.